Waymo Licensed to Massively Expand Robotaxi Service in California

Just six weeks ago, Waymo applied to expand its commercial driverless robotaxi service Waymo One beyond San Francisco and south of the city to the Bay Area as far as Sunnyvale, as well as Los Angeles. At first the decision was postponed for what looked like a six-month pause for reflection by the California PUC, but today the decision was made that Waymo has received the license. It is valid immediately and also includes freeways that were not previously included in San Francisco.

As the notice states, nearly one hundred organizations and a handful of individuals have spoken out in favor of Waymo One’s expansion, including the Association for the Blind, the Epilepsy Foundation, the African-American Chamber of Commerce, the Bay Area Council, the Hispanic Foundation, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Safe Kids World, Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition and many others.

One of the reasons given by the PUC was that previous experience with Waymo’s safety standards and the behavior of the robotaxis made the decision easy.

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This article was also published in German.