Is a Cruise Robotaxi to Blame for Death of a Crash Victim? No, Say Officials…

Just a few days after Cruise was granted a license to operate driverless robotaxi without restrictions in San Francisco, a number of incidents occurred that caused some commotion in the media. One incident stood out, as it reportedly led to the death of an accident victim.

The 69-year-old Sammy Davis was supposed to be taken to the hospital by an ambulance after a traffic accident, but the ambulance was reportedly blocked by a Cruise Robotaxi. Davis succumbed to his injuries and Cruise was credited with blocking the ambulance as the reason for his death.

As it turns out, everything is different than thought. First of all, Cruise’s robotaxi was not involved in the accident. As The San Francisco Standard reports, the homeless Davis had been hit and knocked down by the rear end of a municipal bus. The bus driver did not realize that the accident had occurred. Emergency personnel were called to the scene to treat the victim, and although a Cruise robotaxi briefly passed the scene, it did not interfere with the ambulance or contribute to the victim’s death.


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A spokesman for San Francisco Municipal Transportation and the city’s fire chief confirmed in a joint statement that Cruise was not at fault in the man’s death.

This article was also published in German.

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