Tesla Opens 50,000th Supercharger

Almost 11 years after installing the first Supercharger on Sept. 24, 2012, Tesla has now installed its 50,000th Supercharger. Charging parks with up to a hundred Superchargers can be found in the U.S., Europe and Asia. One of them in Kettleman City has just under 100 of them in two locations.

The importance of a functioning Supercharger network for electric cars is demonstrated by recent experiences in the USA. The Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm, was on a campaign tour in the south of the country to make electric mobility palatable to voters. Her convoy traveled in electric cars such as the Cadillac Lyriq, the Ford F-150 pickup and a Chevrolet Bolt. Their security team, however, rode in internal combustion cars. However, when the vanguard discovered that one of the Electrify America chargers was defective, one was occupied and only one was available during a planned stop in Grovetown, a suburb of Georgetown in the U.S. state of Georgia, one of the security team drivers blocked the remaining one with his combustion engine. That didn’t sit well with a family in an electric car who also wanted to charge and had a baby in the car. They called the police.

While electric car drivers of non-Tesla brands have their adventures with long-distance charging, it’s easy for Tesla owners. The Supercharger network is very dense and other manufacturers noticed this as well. The pressure on them to also offer their customers a reliable charging station network became so great that many of them have now adopted the Tesla charging standard and signed contracts to also use Tesla charging station networks in the future.


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Erhältlich im Buchhandel, beim Verlag und bei Amazon.

This article was also published in German.

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