Tesla Increases 2021 Production By 86 Percent, Shatters All Forecasts

With 930,422 vehicles produced in 2021, Tesla has smashed all forecasts. Tesla produced 430,872 more vehicles last year than it did in 2020, managing an 86 percent increase.

Tesla Vehicle Production fromx 2013 to 2021
Model S/X24,39024,964
Model 3/Y906,032911,208
Total numbers for 2021
 ProductionDelieveriesSubject to operating lease accounting
Model S/X13,10911,75017%
Model 3/Y292,731296,8505%
Q4 2021

To put this in perspective: Tesla not only produced and sold more electric cars in 2021 than the three major German manufacturers combined, the increase of 430,872 vehicles alone is almost as large as all German manufacturers produced electric cars in 2021.

According to preliminary projections, Porsche with the Taycan will produce just under 40,000 units globally in 2021, VW with the ID.3 and ID.4 will produce over 200,000, Audi with the e-tron will produce 68,000, BMW with the i3 will produce an estimated 40,000, and Mercedes with the EQC and EQA will produce just under 80,000 in 2021. These are all still preliminary figures, but together they amount to around 400,000 battery-electric vehicles from German manufacturers.

2021 production figures for Tesla (final) and the three major German manufacturers (estimated)


With these production figures far exceeded, we also have to adjust the forecasts for the next few years. Our January 2021 figures for 2021 were between 679,000 and 795,000 vehicles. These figures have been far exceeded. The two Gigafactories in Berlin and Austin, which are scheduled to go into operation in spring 2022, will double theoretical production capacity to at least two million vehicles per year.

Tesla’s estimated production numbers based on lowest growth from 2021-2025

Using a conservative estimate of production numbers for 2021, we arrive at 1.26 million vehicles at the lowest annual increase of 39% that Tesla had between 2013 and 2021. If we use the annual average of 62%, Tesla will produce more than 1.5 million cars in 2021.

Tesla’s estimated production numbers based on lowest growth from 2021-2025


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This article was also published in German.