Phrase Ideas for Tesla Haters: “Tesla has to prove first…”

While Tesla has been busy producing its Model 3, wreaking havoc with the U.S.-sales numbers among German and other car makers, Elon-Musk and Tesla-haters are finding it increasingly difficult, to find new arguments, why this will all end badly for Tesla once the empire strikes back.

I felt pity for them and want to give them a bit inspiration, what killer argument can be used.

Model S

Among the first arguments, after the Model roaster left obscurity and the Model S was announced in 2008 and presented to thee public in 2009 were:

“Tesla has to show first that they can manufacture the Model S.”

Once it was manufactured, the argument changed to

“Tesla has to show first that they can sell the Model S.”
“Tesla has to show first that they can sell the Model S in Germany.”

Model X

Meanwhile the Model X was announced:

“Tesla has to show first that they can manufacture the Model X.”

And 2015, when deliveries started, arguments turned very creative:

“Tesla has to show first that they can sell the Model X.”
“Tesla has to show first that they can sell the Model S somewhere else than America.”

Model 3

In 2008 the Model 3 was mentioned for the first time (back then as a family car), and Tesla-explainers started using an argument such as this:

“Tesla has to show first that they can manufacture the Model 3.”

It arrived in 2017 and from the beginning this:

“Tesla has to show first that they can manufacture the Model 3 in mass quantities.”

A year later, while the sales massacre is ongoing among other vendors, the arguments their spin to:

“Tesla has to show first that they can sell the Model 3 in Germany.”
“Germany is a different market.”
“Germans prefer buying German cars.”

and of course comparing market segments

“Well, well, the market segment is very small.”
“Americans buy rather SUVs, and German car makers are selling that very well.”

Right, Americans seem uninterested in medium sedans with combustion engines such as BMW 3, Mercedes C, Audi and so on, but apparently they like a medium sedan electric Model 3 quite a lot. But lets discount that.

„Let’s see how the sales numbers drop, once all the pre-orders have been delivered.“

Totally neglecting, that Tesla-customers who received their Model 3 are excited, and pre-ordered it without having seen or test-driven it, are now being busy doing test drives with friends, family, and even strangers who had asked them to give them a test ride. Woosh, a new wave of customers is coming in.

Lets return to the market segment. If you don’t like that, because the data tells some inconvenient truths, this one always helps:

Speaking of market segment. When everything doesn’t want to fit because the data tells unpleasant truths, that’s always what helps:

“Well, well, we are comparing oranges with apples.”

Model Y

What’s next? Pickups and the like. Here is a totally new argument for the Model Y:

“Tesla has to show first that they can manufacture the Model Y.”

Semi Truck

And semi trucks:

“Tesla has to show first that they can manufacture the Semi Truck.”

The semi is a favorite with arguments on battery technology:

“The batteries in the semi seem to be physically impossible.
Tesla has to show me them first!”

New Model Roadster

The new Model Roadster offers a totally new line of counter arguments:

“Tesla has to show first that they can manufacture the Roadster.”

And very well like is this one:

“Tesla has to show first that they can drive with those batteries 250km/h
over a whole race distance.”

Unfortunately, the same person missed that they didn’t have their own electric vehicle, and couldn’t prove that they can drive and drive on a race track at that speed for a prolonged time.

Did I forget something? Right, this here:

“Tesla Has first to become profitable!”
“Tesla is bankrupt soon anyways.”
“German manufactures do that as soon as the market is mature.
Everything has been ready and the final designs are in our drawers.”

An argument brought forward for year has been the hope that Tesla is going away and let our manufacturers some rest. Can anyone go and search for the key to the drawer?

“German manufacturers do it proper and earn money with the cars.”

Well, sure.The EQC has been an example how you compromise so much that it combines both the parts from the combustion and electric cars – i.e. all the parts that suck (report is here). And even the e-tron is not going to make money for Audi. Pure compliance cars.

“Wait until the Germans come with their electric vehicles, then Tesla will feel the heat.”

Wishful thinking. In the meanwhile I am freezing and feeling the cold hands of death touching traditional manufacturers.

More? Did I forget something? Please leave your arguments in the comments, I’ll integrated them.

This article has also been published in German.